A Gift of Maps
‘Do we know where we are going?’ was the witty title of a talk by Tom Aitchison, of Kintra and Hamilton, a long-standing supporter of RoMHC. He showed a series of old maps featuring the Ross of Mull, pointing out how growing accuracy of cartography went alongside the growth and naming (and clearance) of communities.
He has given us laminated A3 copies of eight of these, which will be displayed, or available for study, in the Historical Centre. We are very grateful for the talk and this ongoing resource.
The evening of 10 September was dreich, but there was a good turn-out – approximately 40 people. They were rewarded, after the talk, by a stylish silent film, a MacBrayne’s travelogue advertising the voyage of the King George around Mull. And then there was a premiere – the first public showing of The Fisherman’s Daughter.
This film of a selkie tale was made by Tom Chick at the start of his career, and set in Iona and the Ross of Mull. Starring Mark Jardine, with supporting parts played by Euphie Wood, Maimie Brunton and Cathy Adam of Bunessan, it is just seven minutes long – and we enjoyed all of them.
After light refreshments (and very generous donations) the gathering settled down to watch a film, a golden oldie, which (maybe) answered the opening question: ‘I know where I’m going.’
Jan Sutch Pickard
Here is the link to the short film "The Fisherman's Daughter https://vimeo.com/21152824